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What's Up With Us!

Do you want to know more about us and our projects and also get some useful information from the digital world? Here is the right spot!

Nordic Walking e-commerce site goes Live!

31 August 2015

It’s the premiere for Stavgångsbutiken’s new responsive website - an e-commerce site for Nordic walking. The design suits all platforms. You can alternate between a slide show and a video presentation. 

On the site you can find several video clips showing you how to use walking poles. The page is moreover visible among Google’s top 3 for important keywords such as walking poles, Nordic walking sticks and trekking poles. 

We designed the website and Wikinggruppen are responsible for its operation and production.

Responsiv design

Popular ladder site is going to be responsive!

21 August 2015

Although TAWI today is a material handling company, it’s also known for its sales of ladders. We have been commissioned to design a responsive website that makes it easier for customers to find the right ladder, whether you are surfing on your PC or smart phone. 

Delivery is scheduled before Christmas!

Western Riding with Bob Mayhew is now responsive!

14 August 2015

More and more people use Google on their smart phones, and therefore it’s important that we adapt the Swedish knowledge website of western riding with a responsive design. The English site is also to be adapted.

Keywords – Keeping your content modern and relevant

13 August 2015

When creating SEO content, it is vital that the pages are easily searchable through Google, in order to be seen. The best way to go about this is to make sure your keywords are relevant to your audience. SEO Keywords and phrases in your content make it possible for people to find your site via search engines by using those specific terms.

By keeping up with modern trends, specifically within niches in which you have a personal interest, it is possible to predict what keywords are going to soon become popular. If you have an interest in mobile phones, for example, you would have a fair idea of what upcoming models are due for release, and which ones will be popular. People are more likely to search for these types of phones as opposed to older models or less popular ones.

With the E3 conference being streamed to fans all over the world, the gamers know exactly what games are going to become popular and which aren't; the more popular titles are then solid keywords to be used in your article as they will become popular search terms. This then generates more traffic from Google to your website and improves the quality of your content as it is relevant and what people want to read.

This technique can also help you with your search terms, if you apply the same logic when trying to find specific information or websites, think about what terms are most relevant, popular and up to date to bring you back the best quality site possible.

Keywords and SEO are directly related when it comes to running a successful campaign. The keywords are the foundation of your site as these are what determine your traffic from search engines. It is paramount to regularly re-evaluate your keywords and check the relevance, updating them if necessary. Once you have your keywords, the easiest way to go forward is keyword grouping and organisation, dividing the keywords into smaller groups making them much more manageable as opposed to crafting a unique page for each individual keyword.

So perhaps you should evaluate your keywords and see how you can improve them, therefore improving your site metrics. Good luck!